Height 40 cm, width 50 cm, глубина 7 cm
Year of creation: 2021

Description of the artwork

Bas-relief composition.
No man on earth is alone - God is constantly and vigilantly present with him. Therefor, God's judgment will certainly be just: the Lord knows even our hidden thoughts and deeds.
The Lord, despite our multiplicity and abundance of worries, is able to observe each of us constantly. He sees not only what we do, but also what we think and teel.
The Lord is not watching us intentionally: he just knows everything that happens in this world. God gives us the freedom to do as we want, but every action will be weighed and evaluated.
Bas-relief composition. Made of polimer-welded wire (author's technique). Tinted silver. The «Eye» is an insert made of artificial stone. The general background is black velvet (te[tile) on cardboard. Passepartout - cardboard. Black picture frame.

Artwork «OMNIBUS-VIDENS», Sculpture at style Symbolism, Relief, Height 40 cm, width 50 cm, глубина 7 cm.