Moon's mirror

Canvas on a stretcher
Height 60 cm, width 90 cm
Presence of frame: no
Having a mat: no
Year of creation: 2017

Description of the picture

Romanticism! - It is a direction in art, when an extraordinary person gets into an unusual life situation. The opposite of it is realism - when an ordinary person is in real life conditions. In painting, it is expressed in beautiful, epic landscapes and historical paintings with heroic pathos. Romantics were: Delacroix, Gaspard Friedrich, Turner and Aivazovsky, and partly Bryullov.
In this case, an extraordinary person is an artist, and unusual conditions are special states of nature, full moon, rainbow, thunderstorm, and storm. This is all fleeting and difficult, so a convinced realist does not tackle such things. Romantics usually paint a picture according to the idea, based on knowledge, experience and a sense of beauty.

Artwork «Moon's mirror», Painting at style Romanticism, Oil, Height 60 cm, width 90 cm.
1 comment
Ivan Serenko
Ivan Serenko
30 September 2020, 16:13
Чудесная работа с романтической мечтательной луной и поддавшимся её обаянию речушке и уснувшим берегам. Катина тихая и спокойная, умиротворённая, приятная. Глядя на неё словно слышишь нежные звуки Лунной сонаты и невозможно насмотреться на этот удивительно прекрасный лунный свет, отражающийся в прохладной воде реки.