«It's a nice day.» Novokuznetsk street

Canvas on a stretcher
Height 30 cm, width 20 cm
Presence of frame: yes
Having a mat: no
Year of creation: 2024
320.42 $

Description of the picture

This is far from my first job with a view of Novokuznetsk, something pulls me here like a magnet. I remembered a playful tongue-twister song about metro stations.
Does anyone happen to know the author of the lines?
«Novokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk, damn, pants got into the escalator...»

Artwork ««It's a nice day.» Novokuznetsk street», Painting at style Impressionism, Oil, Height 30 cm, width 20 cm.