stay on the hunt

Canvas on a stretcher
Height 50 cm, width 70 cm
Presence of frame: yes
Having a mat: no
Year of creation: 2020

Description of the picture

Stop, rest during a long hunt. Fatigue will pass, and the calm of the morning in the winter forest is about to be disturbed by the sounds familiar to hunters. A sense of peace, and at the same time excitement before a new pursuit of prey.
The picture will distract its owner from everyday life, immerse them in the freshness and silence of the winter forest, excite excitement and interest in life!

Artwork «stay on the hunt», Painting at style Realism, Oil, Height 50 cm, width 70 cm.

Other works of the author

1 comment
Nikolay Kozakov
Nikolay Kozakov
28 September 2020, 10:55
Да, именно такой была охота раньше. Верным помощникам тоже нужен отдых, от утомительного преследования жертвы. Атмосфера зимнего леса передана превосходно, как будто сам присутствуешь на охоте.